Thursday, April 16, 2009♥
You know how people always tell you how great parents can be and that no matter how you hurt them, they will always be the ones who'll be there for you. I was thinking that ain't children like that as well? Let's fast forward the time a little. When our parents become dependent, aren't we gonna take care of them, regardless of how much they haven't been in your life and how much they've hurt you? Bt least for now thats what i think. Why does life have to be ironic all the time? The one who didn't want you in the first place ends up being the one there for you all your life. Perhaps I'd rather not to have there messengers between us. Then I'd know if you genuinely care. Cos if you do, you will make the effort to ask me how I'm doing on your own. It beats hearing "he asked about you. And i asked him why can't he call you and ask you himself." why do you feel more and more like stranger to me?